Impacts of Mask Mandates

This article is not to prove how unconstitutional mask mandates are or the scientific reasons against them, but rather to bring attention to the numerous rarely thought about ways mask mandates affect many people’s everyday lives.

All Roads Lead to NIAID

Someone had commented on my Facebook post about remdesivir, and it made me get an itch to dig into it. Naturally, I did, and I ended up falling down the rabbit hole. Here’s the breakdown of the connections between key players like NIAID, Fauci, Bill Gates, Moderna, and the Chinese Communist Party and their relation to SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccine, and remdesivir.

Hospitals are Overrun, but NOT with COVID-19 Patients

There is a fearmongering epidemic in America that has caused millions of people to live in fear. we are told the hospitals are overflowing with CV patients. Are they? Here’s the breakdown.

Fact Checker Bias in Social Media

The censorship on social media platforms extends past the BigTech oligarchy. This breakdown shows how it flows into the branches of “independent fact checkers” who help decide what is ‘best for you to know’ because they think you’re too stupid to form proper opinions or want to hinder your basis of your views by excluding and discrediting important, relevant information.

Trumps Second Term Agenda: “Fighting For You!”

Trump’s Second Term Agenda: “Fight For You” broken down, and explained with my opinion sprinkled over the top. Promise after promise kept, and The Best Is Yet To Come!

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