Trust Stamp: Bill Gates Funded Global Biometrics Identification, Surveillance, and More

Any time I see programs that so-called philanthropist Bill Gates, his foundation, or his pet projects like Gavi fund, my spidey senses immediately begin tingling. I discovered Trust Stamp through a deep dive down the rabbit hole of this infamous human hating billionaire, and it is full of shockingly invasive possibilities that will leave no corner veiled to any government. This breakdown will delve into the goings-on of Trust Stamp, Inc., the Atlanta, GA based company that has taken the world of global surveillance by storm.

Bill Gates: the “Expert” Jack of All Trades

Bill Gates founded and funds the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Common Core, and the new tech they’ve kept in the dark- Trust Stamp, a digital biometrics ID tracker. With vaccines and Common Core causing more damage than imagined, read to find out about Trust Stamp to keep yourself aware and educated.

HCG Laced Vaccines Caused Infertility in Developing Countries

This breakdown will explain how vaccines pushed on developing countries like Kenya, India, and others have had millions of girls and women of childbearing age become infertile due to hCG being present in their tetanus vaccines since the early 1990s.

All Roads Lead to NIAID

Someone had commented on my Facebook post about remdesivir, and it made me get an itch to dig into it. Naturally, I did, and I ended up falling down the rabbit hole. Here’s the breakdown of the connections between key players like NIAID, Fauci, Bill Gates, Moderna, and the Chinese Communist Party and their relation to SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccine, and remdesivir.

Who is “They”?

I established it is often difficult to describe who “They” are. I’ll say, “you know, “They”! The general “Them,”” which is not helpful, to say the least. In this breakdown we will be going through how to convey who “They” is, from my observations, to the people who aren’t yet awake.

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