All Roads Lead to NIAID

Someone had commented on my Facebook post about remdesivir, and it made me get an itch to dig into it. Naturally, I did, and I ended up falling down the rabbit hole. Here’s the breakdown of the connections between key players like NIAID, Fauci, Bill Gates, Moderna, and the Chinese Communist Party and their relation to SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccine, and remdesivir.

Who is “They”?

I established it is often difficult to describe who “They” are. I’ll say, “you know, “They”! The general “Them,”” which is not helpful, to say the least. In this breakdown we will be going through how to convey who “They” is, from my observations, to the people who aren’t yet awake.

mRNA Vaccines are NOT Traditional Vaccines

This is the breakdown of the mRNA vaccine, a little bit of history on genetically engineered biotechnological vaccines, and the concerning effects the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine had on animals and people (Pfizer will not release the results of their clinical trials).

Facebook Fact-Checks Kary Mullis PCR Test

Fascistbook doesn’t want you to see the video I posted of Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, so badly that they covered it as “false information” and explained how it is “false” by saying exactly what I said.
Here’s the breakdown of their absurd “fact-check.”

Where Do You Draw The Line?

The draconian lockdown orders from the Leftist governors, like Gavin Newsom, are increasingly resembling the lockdowns on the Chinese people by the Chinese Communist Party. There is no end in sight. From statewide mask mandates to shutting down businesses to mandatory curfews, parts of our country are mirroring that of a police state. My line was drawn long before any of the tyrannical Orders in this article were drafted. I doubt they believed we’d relinquish so much, so easily. Where do you draw the line?

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