Larry Elder Exposes The Left’s Double Standards

Larry Elder exposes the radical Left’s double standards in an Epoch Times short video comparing the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots to the Capitol Hill riot in addition to the reactions to them and actual incitement that occurred from the Left.

“Current Communist Goals” of 1963 Are 2020’s Reality

Ms. Normand’s checklist of 45 things needing to be done to America for Communism to take over is truly daunting. In this breakdown, highlighted the points that are so incredibly apparent in 2020’s America because it is frightening how close we are to becoming a Communist nation.

Where Do You Draw The Line?

The draconian lockdown orders from the Leftist governors, like Gavin Newsom, are increasingly resembling the lockdowns on the Chinese people by the Chinese Communist Party. There is no end in sight. From statewide mask mandates to shutting down businesses to mandatory curfews, parts of our country are mirroring that of a police state. My line was drawn long before any of the tyrannical Orders in this article were drafted. I doubt they believed we’d relinquish so much, so easily. Where do you draw the line?

Dear Democrats

The woman who wrote the original version of this lives in Sedona (AZ) and is a retired lawyer. She writes as a former Democrat to Democrats in general. I cleaned it up and reorganized it, basically rewrote it, but I wanted to make sure she didn’t go creditless for her brilliance.

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