Who is Fiery, but Mostly Peaceful Sara?

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Lee Greenwald and the USAF Band singing God Bless The USA

I am a black sheep California native. A barefooted, organic hippie mama of two amazing kids and a goofy dog. Being disabled, but yearning to stand up for We The People, I found activism through informing and educating. I am a brain surgery survivor, and have a plethora of chronic illnesses. When I’m not being Mommy, I am reading, researching, and writing to get information to you!

Fiery, but Mostly Peaceful Sara

I am a patriotic mother who has a passion for researching and a knack for writing. Usually judged by my pink hair and hippie lifestyle; people automatically assume I am a Liberal, but that couldn’t be further from reality. I’m a pragmatic Constitutional Conservative, and find my information from both sides of the aisle in order to get to the facts.

Unfortunately, I do not feel as though it is safe for conservatives to speak the truth these days; I’m here to spread the truth that the media lies about.

President Ronald Reagan wisely noted, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” These days that sentiment is blatantly obvious to every American that has been even slightly been paying attention.

We The People must help each other stay informed and educated about the nefarious plans the elites have in store for the American citizenry, so we can maintain our status as the freest nation on earth.

This website is for sharing the truths, about the past, present, and future, to ensure our God-given Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

God bless y’all and God bless these United States of America.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments on articles or via my Contact page. If you like what you see, please share on social media and subscribe to my newsletter to be updated when new articles are published! Have a fabulous day!

You can also find me on different social medias, you can find links to my accounts in my article Censor-free Social Media Exists.

“The chief goal of living is not merely to stay alive.”

Mike Rowe

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Plano, Texas 75026

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Call to Action:

  • Watch/read news from BOTH SIDES.
  • PROTECT your family and fellow Patriots
  • REFUTE misinformation
  • DO NOT fall into the Third Party trap. Remember Ross Perot is how Clinton got elected.

This is a civil war between Communism and America. There is no more Democrat vs Republican right now. America needs to be united in the party of Patriots who believe in our constitution and the inherent right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The radical Left has thrown their hail Mary, and we need to get our heads in the game and intercept that pass before it’s too late. Whether or not you believe Orange Man Bad, The Republicans who followed President Donald J Trump are the only hope for remaining a constitutional republic.

NEVER FORGET: They are Rights enumerated to remind us and our government of our innate and indisputable liberties that are granted to us by our Creator, not our government; NEVER to be infringed or impinged upon by elected officials nor bureaucratic narcissists, ALWAYS as protection for We The People from tyranny and despotism at even the highest level of our hierarchical structure.

This page is a conservative-leaning blog that takes the facts from current events and gives objective information as well as my opinion on those facts. I am not an expert in any field, nor do I claim to give expert advice, but I will try to get you all of the evidence-based information I can find.

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