Censor-free Social Media Exists

Conservative voices are constantly being disproportionately silenced by the mainstream social media platforms. If you are looking to add an alternative social media that you won’t be censored on, there are many for you to try out, and here’s the breakdown of the different social media alternatives I’ve been using.

The Left Continues to Sexualize Children

In October, Hazard High School in Kentucky held a “Man Pageant” where teen boys danced like strippers in front of and against the male faculty of the high school. Surprisingly, there are even parents defending this heinous act!

Blue’s Clues Drag Queen Sing-Along

I was very alarmed seeing the Pride Parade on Blue’s Clues & You. Concerned with the tragic forced mass attempt of Marxist indoctrination on our future generations, I decided to look into this suspicious looking episode of an already beta-male based show.
Here’s the breakdown.

OP-ED: “Coming Out” as a Conservative

One of the most difficult decisions I made last year was to come out as a conservative. Though it may be shocking that I was ever shy about my political beliefs, there was a time when I hid amongst the California Liberals and Leftists around me. Here’s my “coming out” as a Conservative story.

The Emerging Religion of Anti-Racism

John McWhorter, a linguist, and University Professor, regularly speaks out against the new woke antiracism philosophy plaguing our nation. He is currently writing a book about the religion of antiracism, exposing the absurdity of it and explaining the detriment it will reap on society. This breakdown summarizes one of the chapters.

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