Blue’s Clues Drag Queen Sing-Along

I was very alarmed seeing the Pride Parade on Blue’s Clues & You. Concerned with the tragic forced mass attempt of Marxist indoctrination on our future generations, I decided to look into this suspicious looking episode of an already beta-male based show.
Here’s the breakdown.

2020 Death Toll Looks Average

Unfortunately, the mainstream media wants you to believe that there are an exorbitant amount of extra, unexpected deaths in America this year caused by COVID-19. The data, however, says otherwise. Here’s the breakdown of the annual death tolls in the United States and how this year compares.

No Winner Has Been Officially Declared

There is more and more evidence, yes actual evidence, of voter irregularities, and even fraud. There are election officials that have questioned the legitimacy of the election, and the media is trying to make you believe it is over. The election is not over. THE MEDIA DOES NOT CALL THE ELECTION.

The Media Does Not Call The Election

The phrase seen most often on Legacy and social media is, “there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud” and they declared Joe Biden the President-Elect. Here’s a breakdown of the incidents of voter fraud that the media is ignoring and a reminder that THE MEDIA DOES NOT CALL ELECTIONS.

The Real Donald J Trump

Everyone needs to watch this. If you’re a Trump lover, on the fence, or a NeverTrumper, I implore you to watch this. It may just change your perspective of who our President truly is.

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