OP-ED: “Coming Out” as a Conservative

One of the most difficult decisions I made last year was to come out as a conservative. Though it may be shocking that I was ever shy about my political beliefs, there was a time when I hid amongst the California Liberals and Leftists around me. Here’s my “coming out” as a Conservative story.

The Electoral Votes Have NOT Been Accepted Yet

On Tuesday, December 14th, the electoral college votes were certified by the Electoral College, sealed, and sent via special carrier to Washington DC, where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come together in a joint session to open the votes.

“There is NO Evidence of Voter Fraud”

This break down is a series of articles and short descriptions and excerpts for your evidentiary referencing to voter improprieties, irregularities, and even fraud. For the left to say it doesn’t exist is simply not factual, and is evidence of widespread partisan propaganda.

We The People Aren’t Cowards

They want us to give up. They want us to be more divided. They want us to turn our back on the President. I stand, as a Patriot of America, with President Donald J Trump. Do you?

“Current Communist Goals” of 1963 Are 2020’s Reality

Ms. Normand’s checklist of 45 things needing to be done to America for Communism to take over is truly daunting. In this breakdown, highlighted the points that are so incredibly apparent in 2020’s America because it is frightening how close we are to becoming a Communist nation.

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