Former KGB Explaining Marxist Takeovers

In 1984, Yuri Bezmenov explained what the Marxist-Leninist takeover of America to G Edward Griffin. This is my breakdown of what it looks like in current events, and the eerie accuracy of the way the communist playbook is actively destroying our country.

Blacks Attack Asians Because… White Supremacy?

There is a common misconception that is pushed by the radical Left and their media that black-on-Asian crime is caused by white supremacy, and as a consequence of calling the coronavirus the “Chinese virus.” This breakdown will explain that blacks attacking Asians is by no means new.

“The Root” is Rooted in Racism

There would rightfully be utter outrage if “white” was replaced with “black” in “Whiteness Is A Pandemic” by The Root. You would probably see cities riot if someone actually had the gall to write a piece calling for the genocide of the black virus.

Johns Hopkins Study on COVID Deaths

Apparently, the link to the Johns Hopkins University study showing that there are NOT excessive deaths due to COVID in the United States is not allowed to be posted on social medi. Heres rhe breakdown.

“Current Communist Goals” of 1963 Are 2020’s Reality

Ms. Normand’s checklist of 45 things needing to be done to America for Communism to take over is truly daunting. In this breakdown, highlighted the points that are so incredibly apparent in 2020’s America because it is frightening how close we are to becoming a Communist nation.

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