Blacks Attack Asians Because… White Supremacy?

There is a common misconception that is pushed by the radical Left and their media that black-on-Asian crime is caused by white supremacy, and as a consequence of calling the coronavirus the “Chinese virus.” This breakdown will explain that blacks attacking Asians is by no means new.

“The Root” is Rooted in Racism

There would rightfully be utter outrage if “white” was replaced with “black” in “Whiteness Is A Pandemic” by The Root. You would probably see cities riot if someone actually had the gall to write a piece calling for the genocide of the black virus.

The Emerging Religion of Anti-Racism

John McWhorter, a linguist, and University Professor, regularly speaks out against the new woke antiracism philosophy plaguing our nation. He is currently writing a book about the religion of antiracism, exposing the absurdity of it and explaining the detriment it will reap on society. This breakdown summarizes one of the chapters.

TEXIT: Texans May Be Able To Vote For Secession

Representative Kyle Biedermann (R- Fredericksburg) filed House Bill 1359, the Texas Independence Referendum Act, which would allow the citizens of Texas to vote on whether the Texas Legislature should create a joint interim committee to develop a plan for achieving Texas independence.

Larry Elder Exposes The Left’s Double Standards

Larry Elder exposes the radical Left’s double standards in an Epoch Times short video comparing the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots to the Capitol Hill riot in addition to the reactions to them and actual incitement that occurred from the Left.

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