Make HCQ Available!

Hydroxychloroquine should be available to doctors who wish to prescribe it to patients who believe it could be what helps prevent or treat them. It is completely a partisan sham to say it doesnt work and causes harm. C19STUDY.COM shows the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in 78 studies, 40 peer reviewed, that back its use. TheContinue reading “Make HCQ Available!”

Doctors Fight Back

Doctors fight back against the Fascistbook fact checking on the use of HCQ for COVID-19. They say much of what I’ve said, but I’m not an expert, and my voice doesnt hold weight to most. So here are experts fact checking the fact checkers. There are some links in the article. ☆HCQTRIAL.COM☆C19STUDY.COM (78 HCQ studies)☆

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