The Emerging Religion of Anti-Racism

John McWhorter, a linguist, and University Professor, regularly speaks out against the new woke antiracism philosophy plaguing our nation. He is currently writing a book about the religion of antiracism, exposing the absurdity of it and explaining the detriment it will reap on society. This breakdown summarizes one of the chapters.

Larry Elder Exposes The Left’s Double Standards

Larry Elder exposes the radical Left’s double standards in an Epoch Times short video comparing the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots to the Capitol Hill riot in addition to the reactions to them and actual incitement that occurred from the Left.

Biden’s Executive Order Hypocrisy

You may have noticed that President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr has been signing scores of Executive Orders. The old media is trying its darnedest to let the country know that “Biden didn’t say that signing lots of executive orders makes you a dictator.” Here’s the breakdown of Biden’s Executive Order hypocrisy.

All Roads Lead to NIAID

Someone had commented on my Facebook post about remdesivir, and it made me get an itch to dig into it. Naturally, I did, and I ended up falling down the rabbit hole. Here’s the breakdown of the connections between key players like NIAID, Fauci, Bill Gates, Moderna, and the Chinese Communist Party and their relation to SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccine, and remdesivir.

Who is “They”?

I established it is often difficult to describe who “They” are. I’ll say, “you know, “They”! The general “Them,”” which is not helpful, to say the least. In this breakdown we will be going through how to convey who “They” is, from my observations, to the people who aren’t yet awake.

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